Get instant booking on Venue Directory - Enable availability and pricing

Discover the power of instant booking and effortlessly transform event planners into valued clients.


Start your 3 Month Free Trial with MeetingPackage & VenueDirectory and get:

  • No commissions from MP on Instant Bookings
  • Training session with Customer Success
  • Online support 
  • 24/7  Knowledge Base Access

*Gratis Premium licence required from VenueDirectory. The trial starts if signed this year.

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Full customer journey with one tool

From the agent making the booking to your favorite back-end system

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Booking in VenueDirectory

Your venue profile is available with instant booking and dynamic pricing in VenueDirectory for agents and meeting bookers to book.

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Business configurations in MeetingPackage

Manage your business rules, availability, inventory and rates with one tool to optimise your sales opreations and revenue.

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Your PMS or S&C

The customer and booking details flow seamlessly from VenueDirectory to your favorite backend system. No more double-keying data. Just a smooth sales experience for everyone.

VenueDirectory integration in action

Watch the customer journey to learn how your venue is visible on VenueDirectory

Integrations & API for Meetings & Events

Integrate to Venue Directory through MeetingPackage - get all the benefits

MeetingPackage is the most connected software provider in the Meetings & Events sector. Get on board and increase your Venuedirectory sales efficiently. 


Instant booking

Say goodbye to the tedious RFP process and welcome confirmed bookings instead of uncertain maybes. Allow your users to instantly book your venue online, just as easily as they would book a hotel room.


Display dynamic pricing

We are thrilled to offer venues with listed prices, making the booking process a breeze! Our dynamic pricing system ensures quick and easy affordability checks, saving you from endless inquiries. Let us help you streamline your booking process and make it an enjoyable experience.


What do you need to do?

Our Customer Success team will guide you through the process. A simple API connection will be established, and you will be good to go. We’ll make sure everything works in the demo environment. Easy as that!

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From renowned industry giants to independent venues, we're trusted by all