Sales automation and workflows

    Spend more time with a business that matters and less time online. That is what you can accomplish with MeetingPackage automation. Skip the tedious tasks, offer a better customer experience, and make your work routines easier.



    Add a bit of automation where it matters : Automate where it counts.

    The traditional meetings and events sales process is inefficient and results in a low conversion rate. By displaying pricing and availability, you can improve revenue and reduce the number of frustrating requests for proposals. This will allow you to welcome more customers rather than continually having to say "no availability."


    Automation emails - Let the software take care of the reminders

    Automated messages can help improve the efficiency of the meetings and events sales process. Setting up automatic emails to go out when an event date is approaching and no one has replied to a customer request can prevent missed opportunities. Provisional hold dates with reminders can also help customers make decisions on booking requests, and extension options can allow for more flexibility. These automated reminders can also help maintain good faith with customers who may have forgotten about the request.



    Eliminate email communication when customizing customers' orders

    MeetingPackage's order management system streamlines the process of collecting and updating information for meetings' and events' proposals by automatically displaying all relevant data on a single page. Both you and your customer are notified of any changes, eliminating the need for multiple emails back and forth. The system is easy to use for all parties involved.

    Automate meetings and events bookings

    Instant booking - the epitome of automation

    Not all bookings can or should be instant, but simple repetitive meeting bookings should be. Offer your customers at least one small meeting room as instantly bookable with the option to pay online. Use Stripe as an out-of-the-box solution, or alternatively, use your own payment gateway. Regardless, this is a business opportunity to take advantage of. Each week, customers are demanding it in greater volumes, and competitors are utilizing it more and more.


    Automate the display of relevant terms of service

    MeetingPackage allows venues to customize terms and conditions for different types of bookings. This helps avoid confusion and uncomfortable communication with customers. The correct terms and conditions are clearly displayed in the purchase path, and customers are automatically reminded of deadlines for accepting them. This helps venues focus on customer service rather than having to send uncomfortable reminders.

    Want to see how it works?

    Book a demo

    You can select a time for the demo to find out how MeetingPackage can help your venue sell Meetings & Events more efficiently.

    Rated 9.4 / 10 on HotelTechReport.
