Rated #1 in the world by hoteliers 🏆 Read

    Booking Engine

    Increase your revenue and customer satisfaction by selling Meetings & Events services directly from your website.

    Take a tour of Booking Engine

    90 %

    Conversion levels comparable with online bedroom sales.


    Data shows that over 25 % of bookings are done outside of business hours.

    4.8 / 5

    Your customers love to book online if you just allow them to.

    Why Booking Engine? Simply to do better business

    Online booking is a familiar concept for customers for almost everything else except booking meeting rooms.

    Increase your revenue

    Now you can sell 24/7 as customers can approach you at any time and get a response for their needs in real-time.

    Increase customer satisfaction

    Customers would love to book online because it's easy. Webform on website is not "online" as customers do not know the price or availability.

    Save time & money

    Sending and receiving proposals takes time and nobody really likes it. Spend less time clicking online and more time offering excellent customer service.

    "We have seen that customers are ready to book small and mid size meetings online which creates nearly 80% of requests and supporting our sales team to focus on more bespoke and high value business. MeetingPackage is continuously developing its solution ensuring to be one of our key suppliers!"

    Amy Russell Headshot

    Amy Russell Assistant Director of Distribution ‑ Groups Meetings & Event, PPHE Hotel Group

    Used by everyone from the biggest chains to individual venues

    Scandic logo50px
    Radisson Hotels logo
    Clermont Hotel Group Logo 50px
    Leonardo Hotels UK logo50px

    ...and many more.

    How much revenue do you get with MeetingPackage?

    Try out with our business calculator how much revenue you would get and how much time do you save with MeetingPackage solutions.

    Three types of sales strategies with one tool

    There are only three types of sales strategies that cover all the possible sales channels.


    Instant booking

    It's similar to bedroom booking. Customers know the price and availability. Optionally they can also pay for the M&E service online. The average confirmation is ~90 %.


    Booking request

    With booking requests, the customer already knows the price but not the availability. The average confirmation is between 40-60 % depending on the venue.


    Request for proposal

    The most common type of purchase. The price and availability are unknown before approaching the venue. The average confirmation is between 10-20 %.

    How do I get my Booking Engine?

    It's a low-hanging fruit for more revenue. Implementing the Booking Engine to your website is simple. Follow these steps to succeed.

    Create your venue profile

    First, you can log in to your existing account or register and create your venue profile. If you have any questions, feel free to reach us via chat.

    Create Booking Engine

    After your venue profile and business rules are set up, you can easily create your booking engine by yourself. I just wanted to let you know that there's no coding needed.

    Implement Booking Engine

    Include the Booking Engine link to your website. You can also add the booking widget to the relevant pages.

    Test hotel for the booking engine

    Try out the Booking Engine for meetings and group bookings

    You can make a test booking to our general Booking Engine test profile. Book a meeting room or a group booking with bedrooms. Simply clicking the button below you will land on the Booking Engine test page. 

    Also, you can log in to the test profile as a venue user to see how it looks for venue users. Click the button below and log in from the top right corner with the below credentials.



    Hafen Hamburg

    "The MeetingPackage tool complements our mission in the right way. The goal was to bring more user-friendliness to the booking system. The main challenge was to get rid of the classical web form, MP solution helped overcome it."

    Franziska Brandl Assistant Head of Convention Sales, Hotel Hafen Hamburg

    Partner up with MeetingPackage

    How would you like to get more business on the books? Follow tips & tricks

    It's essential to set up your business rules correctly once you have the Booking Engine implemented on your website to enjoy the full benefits of your new and shiny Booking Engine.

    Take a look at our partners

    Join us to help make meeting booking as efficient as possible.

    The most connected M&E booking system

    No one should do double keying. We can integrate but can your system handle it?

    API for Meetings & Events sales

    Booking Engine

    Book a demo

    Select a suitable time to see how Booking Engine could work for you.

    Rated 9.1 / 10 on HotelTechReport.

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